Saturday, March 19, 2011

充滿Girl Power的Jessie J – Who You Are

Jessie J是一位來自英國的唱作女新人,今年23歲。她來頭不少,年少時曾被選入音樂劇大師Andrew Lloyd Webber的劇團。她曾為Alicia KeysJustin Timberlake等歌手創作歌曲。又為Cyndi Lauper作演唱會的supporting artist。今年初她被英國BBC電台選為”Sound of 2011”的頭號新星。這是一個經樂評人和音樂人投票出來的選舉結果,足證Jessie J有一定實力,不是一位得個樣的偶像歌手。

有說Jessie J是英國版本的Lady Gaga。我除了可以好肯定的跟你說她們兩位都不算是美女之外(只是實話直說,希望若你是她們fans的話不要介意),暫時未有發現她們在音樂和外形上有甚麼相似的地方。而老實的說,我不認為背上英國Lady Gaga”的名號是一件好事。一個藝人最好就是做回自己,尤其是她有一定的實力,不必去沾他人的光彩。

Jessie J能否真正成為明日之星?她剛出了首張個人專輯”Who You Are”,樂迷聽過後可以從中各自下判斷。唱片內的歌曲風格多元化,混合了流行/ 雷鬼/ 搖擺/ hip hop/ 無電等不同的曲風。JJ擁有非常出色的唱功,聲線可剛可柔。當她唱勁歌時聲音充滿了爆炸力,能為樂迷帶來無限刺激。當她溫柔起來時,又會變得楚楚可憐,叫人生起憐憫之心。

新唱片暫時推出了兩首單曲,分別是“Do It Like A Dud”和“Price Tag”。二曲在英國當地都有很好的成績,佔據流行榜前列位置(No.2No.1)。“Price Tag”是和美國rapper B.O.B.合作。這是一首reggae + R&B的作品,旋律極之悅耳,叫人一聽便會留下印象。歌詞帶出金錢不是萬能的信息,屬老生常談。“Do It Like A Dud”是一首快版歌曲,節奏充滿勁度和搖滾味,Jessie J展示出強悍,滿有性格和態度的一面。

Nobody’s Perfect”乘“Do It Like A Dud”的風格,另一首充滿girl power態度的作品。“Abracadabra”是一首中版歌曲,帶有時尚及流行味道,聽它時叫自己想起Katy Perry。專輯主題曲“Who You Are”是一首rock ballad,有動人的旋律和精彩的和唱。歌詞傳達勵志的信息,叫人不要放棄理想,過程當中免不了損傷,但最重要是忠於自己。“Mamma Knows Best”是一首帶復古爵士big band風格的歌曲。整曲充滿熱鬧的氣氛,JJ展示可比美Christina Aguilera的強勁唱功。“Causalty of Love”是一首R&B情歌,旋律優美悅耳,Jessie J的演繹充滿感情和感染力”“Big White Room”是一首acoustic作品,只用上一支結他彈奏並以近乎清唱的形式唱出,讓樂迷更加清晰地欣賞JJ唱功。Big white room是醫院的代表,歌曲據說是她在住院時創作的,當中流露一種哀傷的情緒。這曲以live的形式收錄,當中可以清楚聽到樂迷的歡呼和尖叫聲。”

聽過這張” Who You Are”,縱使當中不是所有歌曲自己也喜歡,但毫無疑問Jessie J是一為富有才華和實力的新人。小小年紀前途無可限量。她絕對成為日後我會緊密留意的一位女唱作人。

Price Tag

Okay, Coconut man, Moon Heads and Pea
You ready

Seems like everybody's got a price
I wonder how they sleep at night
When the sale comes first
And the truth comes second
Just stop, for a minute and

Why is everybody so serious
Acting so damn mysterious
Got your shades on your eyes
And your heels so high
That you can't even have a good time

Everybody look to their left (yeah)
Everybody look to their right (ha)
Can you feel that (yeah)
We're paying with love tonight

It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the Price Tag
Ain't about the (uh) Cha-Ching Cha-Ching
Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the Price Tag

We need to take it back in time
When music made us all unite
And it wasn't low blows and video hoes
Am I the only one getting tired
Why is everybody so obsessed
Money can't buy us happiness
Can we all slow down and enjoy right now
Guarantee we'll be feeling Alright

Everybody look to their left (yeah)
Everybody look to their right (ha)
Can you feel that (yeah)
We're paying with love tonight

It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the Price Tag
Ain't about the (uh) Cha-Ching Cha-Ching
Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the Price Tag

Yeah yeah
Well, keep the price tag
And take the cash back
Just give me six strings and a half stack
And you can keep the cars
Leave me the garage
And all I
Yes all I need are keys and guitars
And its with in 30 seconds I'm leaving to Mars
Yeah we leaping across these undefeatable odds
Its like this man, you can't put a price on the life
We do this for the love so we fight and sacrifice everynight
So we aint going stumble and fall never
Waiting to see this in the sign of defeat uh uh
So we gon keep everyone moving their feet
So bring back the beat and then everyone sing

It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the Price Tag
Ain't about the (uh) Cha-Ching Cha-Ching
Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the Price Tag

It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the Price Tag
Ain't about the (uh) Cha-Ching Cha-Ching
Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the Price Tag


  1. 你好Uncle Ray
    聽了Jessie J 一首who you are 的new york live

    Thanks Uncle Ray : )

  2. 很高興你喜歡她。之前我提過的adele也很不錯,你可以也找來聽聽。



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